IP case law Court of Justice

Referral C-740/22 (Endemol Shine Finland, 2 Dec 2022)

1. Does an oral transfer of personal data constitute processing of personal data within the meaning of Article 2(1) and Article 4(2) of the General Data Protection Regulation? 1

2. Can public access to official documents be reconciled with the right to protection of personal data pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation, in the manner referred to by Article 86 of the regulation, by allowing information on criminal convictions or offences of a natural person to be obtained from a court’s register of persons without restriction where a request is made to transfer the information orally to the applicant?

3. Is it relevant for the answer to Question 2 whether the applicant is a company or a private individual?

Case details on the CJEU website (external link)
