Data protection case law Court of Justice


Over the last couple of years, data protection has been one of the fastest evolving areas of law in the European Union. As a result, in recent years, we have seen a huge influx of CJEU decisions.'s objective is to centralise CJEU data protection related case law in a freely accessible and user-friendly database.
It has been created by Tim Van Canneyt, data protection and technology expert in Fieldfisher's Brussels office.

Tim Van Canneyt

DPcuria's goal is to facilitate access to such case law, by compiling, in a freely accessible database, all preliminary ruling decisions of the CJEU.

You can search for decisions in three ways:

Latest decisions and referrals
On the home page, you will find the latest decisions, referrals and appeals. This allows you to quickly know what's new (latest decisions) and what's coming next (latest appeals and questions referred to the Court).

Browsing by categories

We have created an index based on the main EU laws that are relevant in the field of data protection. For each piece of EU law, we have followed the structure and/or chapters of the relevant law. For general data protection law, despite most preliminary rulings still referring to the Directive 95/46/EC at this stage, we have opted to following the structure of the GDPR for obvious future proofness reasons.
Where a specific article or topic of an EU data protection legal instrument is not included in the index, it means that the CJEU has not yet had to address the topic.
So If you want to find all CJEU preliminary rulings dealing with the notion of "main establishment", you just need to select 'General data protection law', then the subcategory 'Definitions' and then select "main establishment."

Full text searching
If you want to quickly find CJEU cases dealing with "monitoring", just type this keyword in the full text search box.

Last but not least, I'm extremely grateful to Hakim Haouideg not only for agreeing that I create but for even helping me in setting it up. His has been a great source of inspiration and is a must-visit database for any IP lawyer.