What does DPcuria cover ?
DPcuria aims at covering all preliminary rulings from the Court of Justice of the European Union which have an impact on the practice of data protection law.
Our database currently features :
128 preliminary rulings (
see the list).
37 referrals currently pending (
see the list).
The cases are currently sorted in
117 categories and subcategories (
see the list or
explore them).
DPcuria also gives you access to
Data Protection: CJEU case law review – 1995-2020. This case law review was co-authored by DPcuria's creator Tim Van Canneyt together with Alix Bertrand, Sixtine Crouzet and Louis Vanderdonckt. It was first published in Computerrecht 2021/56.
What does DPcuria not cover ?
At this stage our database only contains preliminary rulings from the Court of Justice of the European Union (and pending referrals for preliminary rulings) that have been published in English and that related to data protection.
We currently do not cover the opinions of the AG but hope to add this as a new feature in the future.
Where does the content come from ?
Our content comes exclusively from the website of the Court of Justice (
http://curia.europa.eu) and, for that reason, it is subject to the mandatory